Walk by the Levee

the moon rides out
round O that moans
whole of that piece of sky     it takes up sun
not even down yet
inching up on us
all darkness starts off royal blue
there’s this too, it looks full
white but it’s caught light
glistening arc bouncing off waves
the wind pushes at the water on the lake
takes a breath and multiplies
what you leave at dusk with what you have learned

you put the hours back     in your pocket
don’t stop to replace the phone
on its cradle
is it really windblown or blown wind
doggone tired or gone dog tired
gone all day long and long winded
and blown away, dear lady, at break of day
mosquitos churned up
by footsteps in the dry grass
brown patches laid out     like stepping stones
thrown away blue crab stretches out
kinked up legs
another molting upon us     it’s always some season
vast and inchoate

Megan Burns
from her book Memorial+Sight Lines
Lavender Ink, 2008

Used with permission of the poet.

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